Advanced Project - Automatic Facial Recognition Based Attendance System

Advanced Project - Automatic Facial Recognition Based Attendance System

Hello, Rishabh here, this time I bring to you:

Continuing the series - 'Simple Python Project'. These are simple projects with which beginners can start with. This series will cover beginner python, intermediate and advanced python, machine learning and later deep learning.

Comments recommending other to-do python projects are supremely recommended.

Anyways, let's crack on with it!

Automatic Facial Recognition 

Based Attendance System

Facial Recognition Based Attendance System using Python, Tensorflow, Keras, SqlLite3, Tkinter, OpenCV for companies, schools, colleges, etc.

Source Code:


Watch the video for a better explanation.


PS: Sorry for the bad quality, in case of any doubts refer to the below images

Automating attendance using Face Recognition via Neural Networks

The entire process of marking attendance in educational institutions, workplaces, when automized is the best and most cost-effective way of making it fool-proof and better.

This makes proxy attendance impossible and workplace ethics- trustworthy

This, while isnt the perfect way, its an attempt to do something similar

This is an implementation by me using various methods Via Multi-Threaded Cascaded Neural Networks

Technologies Used:
* Python
* Tensorflow
* Keras
* SqlLite3
* Tkinter
* OpenCV

Using MTCNN we mapped out the 128 feature map from each side of the face to create a 3D grid
like structure.


Note for working:
Download models and save at the models folder. PS: read models/readme.txt
Download models at:

## All features and implementation:

1. Two-Step Verification:

Login Page made using Tkinter in Python 3, which is linked using a mysqllite3 database.
Once that verification is complete, you will be asked to verify yourself as admin using facial recognition. Only after these two steps will the admin menu open.




2. The main interface:

This is the main interface in which you can see the main features and have
the necessary actions taken place.


3. Click to register a new student.

Add new student into the database and map his/her facial features.

It will be seen as something like this in the facerec_128D.txt file.

{%u201C**Rishabh**%u201D: {%u201C**Left**%u201D: [[-0.08857411891222, -0.013328742235898972, 0.045192185789346695, 0.06593235582113266, 0.07181892544031143, -0.02451349049806595, -0.0008240576717071235, -0.10689839720726013, 0.004937916528433561, 0.13439585268497467, -0.1266225427389145, 0.06688152998685837, -0.07906737178564072, -0.2503505051136017, -0.09821527451276779, 0.00887088943272829, 0.07310174405574799, 0.04754112288355827, 0.039231643080711365, -0.048129040747880936, 0.08559799194335938, 0.03705426678061485, -0.049444954842329025, 0.021733097732067108, -0.131277933716774, 0.13494974374771118, -0.04066428169608116, -0.011854524724185467, 0.062259819358587265, 0.0764424279332161, 0.09991776943206787, -0.04010583832859993, 0.036400649696588516, -0.08750853687524796, -0.005311599466949701, -0.06827758252620697, -0.08045513182878494, -0.04325050488114357, 0.0635976567864418, -0.08059954643249512, -0.10530292987823486, 0.015154648572206497, -0.11859557032585144, 0.09017852693796158, 0.05019151791930199, 0.09819871932268143, -0.05376705154776573, 0.12599189579486847, -0.10198838263750076, 0.10567402094602585, 0.03724795952439308, -0.023543009534478188, -0.025222115218639374, -0.02436627447605133, 0.06199340894818306, 0.05257124826312065, 0.09913825988769531, -0.15212902426719666, -0.043736133724451065, -0.11437535285949707, -0.19793258607387543, -0.2234376072883606, -0.030257174745202065, -0.003642328782007098, -0.016683151945471764, 0.059480536729097366, -0.028783461079001427, 0.010495315305888653, -0.02444811910390854, -0.06459680944681168, -0.034520987421274185, -0.06521014124155045, -0.028651727363467216, -0.00240131001919508, 0.09791675209999084, 0.03393810614943504, -0.11461859941482544, 0.04570923373103142, -0.09382005780935287, 0.023104486986994743, -0.12004870176315308, -0.09294884651899338, -0.11523831635713577, -0.040725890547037125, 0.10595870763063431, 0.01619560830295086, -0.06328869611024857, 0.09463641047477722, -0.14613036811351776, 0.1686006635427475, 0.02015562355518341, 0.08080480247735977, 0.06503424793481827, 0.04643187299370766, 0.04240923002362251, -0.14089588820934296, 0.05210058018565178, 0.06557077914476395, -0.09871061891317368, -0.20630748569965363, 0.06267132610082626, -0.020570171996951103, 0.04313775524497032, -0.08636415749788284, -0.11732497811317444, -0.032937780022621155, -0.09599996358156204, -0.01282432209700346, 0.003398689441382885, -0.028353899717330933, -0.03610304743051529, 0.07928384095430374, -0.05412999913096428, 0.06276759505271912, 0.09186709672212601, 0.08638894557952881, 0.01919158361852169, -0.07579809427261353, 0.0243211816996336, 0.07186244428157806, 0.052790567278862, -0.11808109283447266, -0.021565617993474007, -0.010558109730482101, 0.0045998296700417995, -0.17246980965137482, 0.0031077908352017403, 0.10488221049308777]], %u201C**Right**%u201D: [[-0.12322423607110977, -0.09166958183050156, 0.0030119975563138723, 0.07374182343482971, 0.03698710724711418, -0.05573098734021187, -0.04385635256767273, -0.05670739337801933, -0.030628273263573647, 0.0965498685836792, -0.1603952795267105, 0.044863514602184296, -0.09822320193052292, -0.21349085867404938, -0.07051543891429901, 0.004292635712772608, 0.10493224114179611, 0.06687428802251816, 0.01295499037951231, -0.07349883019924164, 0.05057000368833542, 0.020694905892014503, -0.027202999219298363, -0.02207556739449501, -0.0919264480471611, 0.11229139566421509, -0.05143684148788452, 0.027473922818899155, 0.08050292730331421, 0.09868771582841873, 0.11485501378774643, -0.015976151451468468, 0.10177667438983917, -0.11236434429883957, -0.016733890399336815, -0.005377459805458784, -0.10113469511270523, -0.022559013217687607, 0.032608501613140106, -0.05285423621535301, -0.12459512799978256, 0.0313110277056694, -0.13205775618553162, 0.057603076100349426, 0.09496308118104935, 0.10811097919940948, -0.05295582115650177, 0.16086789965629578, -0.14587527513504028, 0.10840559005737305, 0.06493332982063293, 0.0071846661157906055, -0.013227133080363274, -0.00119835848454386, 0.07649098336696625, 0.06774774938821793, 0.01602318324148655, -0.10919184237718582, 0.014698031358420849, -0.12906238436698914, -0.17284737527370453, -0.2420649230480194, -0.05963245779275894, 0.009172102436423302, 0.03936951979994774, 0.006963794119656086, -0.04228965938091278, 0.03055589459836483, -0.0529898963868618, -0.13618960976600647, -0.07230045646429062, -0.09350531548261642, 0.008212929591536522, -0.05667538568377495, 0.09826629608869553, 0.044655390083789825, -0.10776958614587784, 0.04083753749728203, -0.0769808441400528, 0.0015262780943885446, -0.11382219940423965, -0.04048719257116318, -0.1647450029850006, -0.013006428256630898, 0.06237463653087616, -0.018204638734459877, -0.07192468643188477, 0.0846826583147049, -0.15275610983371735, 0.19314837455749512, 0.0426262728869915, 0.12794964015483856, 0.019906241446733475, 0.019699309021234512, -0.034911222755908966, -0.09784211963415146, 0.05271156132221222, 0.027143143117427826, -0.08809338510036469, -0.13904356956481934, 0.0515521876513958, 0.01055392436683178, 0.05781266465783119, -0.10861864686012268, -0.1330457329750061, -0.05695170536637306, -0.09640974551439285, -0.011350560002028942, 0.06401976197957993, -0.04768972471356392, -0.07988857477903366, 0.07721281796693802, -0.04194026067852974, 0.03974579647183418, 0.15303140878677368, 0.05464969202876091, 0.04337718337774277, -0.06133032962679863, 0.030452147126197815, 0.05700261518359184, 0.048203643411397934, -0.12868882715702057, -0.03181086853146553, 0.01268375851213932, 0.02336101047694683, -0.1532122939825058, 0.015040037222206593, 0.1001887172460556]], %u201C**Center**%u201D: [[-0.10967082530260086, -0.06298966705799103, -0.011383222416043282, 0.11461437493562698, 0.03760898485779762, -0.007656498812139034, -0.030709397047758102, -0.10834655165672302, 0.007725639268755913, 0.12123774737119675, -0.14156821370124817, 0.028559843078255653, -0.0785200372338295, -0.22912156581878662, -0.08861233294010162, -0.04266420751810074, 0.10166534036397934, 0.03897407650947571, 0.0028791308868676424, -0.0385410413146019, 0.10671200603246689, -0.004739650525152683, -0.05746972933411598, -0.01709706336259842, -0.08726881444454193, 0.15067297220230103, 0.0029882092494517565, 0.015119166113436222, 0.0757543072104454, 0.057988062500953674, 0.10776271671056747, 0.013821783475577831, 0.07379657030105591, -0.11738615483045578, -0.029304908588528633, -0.056877341121435165, -0.12034665793180466, -0.04799569025635719, 0.047891829162836075, -0.07885117828845978, -0.10633303225040436, -0.002672838978469372, -0.11268853396177292, 0.0616154707968235, 0.07286091893911362, 0.10876667499542236, -0.06929004192352295, 0.1699533313512802, -0.10778924822807312, 0.08526410907506943, 0.06398101150989532, -0.010307646356523037, -0.00972981657832861, -0.013310537673532963, 0.1242566630244255, 0.06968270987272263, 0.05530219152569771, -0.1308509111404419, 0.05558321252465248, -0.1440255045890808, -0.2014542520046234, -0.23179376125335693, -0.020311595872044563, 0.025337493047118187, 0.012508675456047058, 0.023336704820394516, -0.05754031613469124, -0.02776341140270233, -0.07715149223804474, -0.11648695915937424, -0.07794658839702606, -0.1122051402926445, 0.017184695228934288, -0.02500501275062561, 0.060275837779045105, 0.03202875703573227, -0.07855446636676788, 0.04930829629302025, -0.08615235239267349, 0.028393523767590523, -0.1189601719379425, -0.06144094467163086, -0.13767829537391663, -0.021015029400587082, 0.09078904986381531, -0.00970941036939621, -0.10330627113580704, 0.0704386904835701, -0.14051242172718048, 0.12551555037498474, 0.042997896671295166, 0.0928570032119751, 0.01946619525551796, 0.036238349974155426, 0.020949648693203926, -0.13063529133796692, 0.06630231440067291, 0.038655202835798264, -0.11432863026857376, -0.20290106534957886, 0.05083588510751724, -0.03496573865413666, 0.0733042061328888, -0.040517449378967285, -0.14749570190906525, -0.03399404510855675, -0.05033278092741966, -0.008389569818973541, 0.0652705654501915, -0.030615858733654022, -0.0401158481836319, 0.04068402200937271, -0.06507669389247894, 0.08976959437131882, 0.11061953753232956, 0.06556890904903412, 0.03285010904073715, -0.05539695546030998, 0.027370641008019447, 0.06945658475160599, 0.06850945949554443, -0.10180337727069855, -0.008417774923145771, -0.010144680738449097, -0.023704135790467262, -0.11576569080352783, 0.0737953707575798, 0.09932660311460495]]}}

Using which we can recognise the face and add in the database.

4. Give attendance.

In its application, the camera will be open and faces will be recorded and analysed in real-time and if the present name will be marked as present in the xlxs sheet.




Creating an optimum solution and a better society.

## Note: check Testing.txt
Run in following order:


Further more:

  • To add new entry: !python
  • To verify and give to existing: !python
  • To check attendance in terminal: !python

Tested in Following Versions:

* OS: Ubuntu 19.04
* tensorflow == 1.15.0
* keras == 2.3.0
* tkinter == 8.6
* numpy == 1.16.1
* opencv == 4.1.2 
* python == 3.7.4
* pyttsx3 == 2.71

Additional Highlights:

  • As the next day arises, it is automatically stored in a new tab in the xlxs sheet so files aren't overwritten
  • Seeing attendance or editing requires a master face print which can be set earlier so students cant change their records.
  • Multiple times and multiple faces are taken into consideration
  • Future Scope: Setting in and out timing as well so as to create a proxy payroll system as well.


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