Merge Two Linked-Lists

Merge Two Linked-Lists

Introduction :

  • We are given two linked-lists, we have to merge them into a single one.

Problem Statement :

  • We have to make a user-interactive program which has following utilities :
    • Option to add a node to Linked-List-1
    • Option to add a node to Linked-List-2
    • Option to Merge the Two linked-lists
    • Option to display Linked-lists (either list-1 or list-2 or Merged-list)
    • Option to exit from program (The program will continue these options until user use this option).

  • Merging of the linked-lists means :
    • The two lists will be merged as per ascending order of their elements.
    • No element will be repeated in the merged list.

  • Try to code in your compiler first ...

Approach :

  • We are adding the elements in list-1 and list-2 only in ascending order.
  • While adding a new element, we are also checking if this element is already present in the list or not. If it is already present, we are not going to add it in the list altogether.

C++ Code :

using namespace std;

// Basic Template for Linked-List Node
struct node
	int data;
	struct node *next;
}*p, *q, *m;

// Add a New Node to List-1
void add_list1(int number)
	struct node* temp = p, *r, *t2;
	r = (struct node*)new(struct node);
	r->data = number;
	if(p==NULL || p->data > number)
		p = r;
		p->next = temp;
	while(temp != NULL)
		if(temp->data<number && (temp->next==NULL || temp->next->data>number))
			t2 = temp->next;
			temp->next = r;
			r->next = t2;
		temp = temp->next;

// Add a New Node to List-2
void add_list2(int number)
	struct node* temp = q, *r, *t2;
	r = (struct node*)new(struct node);
	r->data = number;
	if(q==NULL || q->data > number)
		q = r;
		q->next = temp;
	while(temp != NULL)
		if(temp->data<number && (temp->next==NULL || temp->next->data>number))
			t2 = temp->next;
			temp->next = r;
			r->next = t2;
		temp = temp->next;

This function will merge the two given Linked Lists.
Rules of Mearging are - 
	>> No element will be repeated in the mearged Linked-List
	>> The merged list will be sorted in ascending order

Follows the simple algorithm to mearge two arrays.
void merge_lists()
	if(p==NULL && q==NULL)
		cout<<"Lists are Empty !!\n";
	m = NULL;
	struct node *t1=p,*t2=q;
	struct node *z = NULL;
	while(t1!=NULL && t2!=NULL)
		if(m == NULL)
			m = (struct node*)new(struct node);
			z = m;
			z->next = (struct node*)new(struct node);
			z = z->next;
		if(t1->data < t2->data)
			z->data = t1->data;
			t1 = t1->next;
		else if(t1->data > t2->data)
			z->data = t2->data;
			t2 = t2->next;
		else if(t1->data == t2->data)
			z->data = t1->data;
			t1 = t1->next ; t2 = t2->next;
	// if list-2 is smaller in size than list-1
	while(t1 != NULL)
		if(z == NULL){ //if list_2 is entirely empty
			z = (struct node*)new(struct node);
			m = z;
			z->next = (struct node*)new(struct node);
			z = z->next;
		z->data = t1->data;
		t1 = t1->next;
	// if list-1 is smaller in size than list-2
	while(t2 != NULL)
		if(z == NULL){ //if list_1 is entirely empty
			z = (struct node*)new(struct node);
			m = z;
			z->next = (struct node*)new(struct node);
			z = z->next;
		z->data = t2->data;
		t2 = t2->next;
	z->next = NULL; //last link of linked-list must be NULL

// Utility function to display List-1 or List-2
// Asks user to display which List (1 or 2)
void disp_list(int num)
	struct node* temp;
	if(num==1)		temp=p;
	else if(num==2)	temp=q;
		cout<<"List is Empty !!\n";
	while(temp != NULL)
		cout<<temp->data<<" ";
		temp = temp->next;

// Utility function to display merged-list
void disp_merge_list()
	if(m == NULL)
		cout<<"List is Empty !!\n";
	struct node *temp = m;
	while(temp != NULL)
		cout<<temp->data<<" ";
		temp = temp->next;

int main()
	p=NULL ; q=NULL ; m=NULL;
	int optn, num;
		cout<<"\nOpeartions available :\n";
		cout<<"1. Add node for list_1\n2. Add node for list_2\n";
		cout<<"3. Merge the two lists\n";
		cout<<"4. Display list\n5. Display merged list\n6. Exit\n\n";
		cout<<"Enter your choice : ";
				cout<<"Enter the number : ";
				cout<<"Enter the number : ";
				cout<<"Which list you want to see ?(1 or 2) : ";
				if(num==1 || num==2)	disp_list(num);
				else			cout<<"Invalid list number\n";
	return 0;

Output :

Opeartions available :
1. Add node for list_1
2. Add node for list_2
3. Merge the two lists
4. Display list
5. Display merged list
6. Exit

Enter your choice : 1
Enter the number : 12

Opeartions available :
1. Add node for list_1
2. Add node for list_2
3. Merge the two lists
4. Display list
5. Display merged list
6. Exit

Enter your choice : 1
Enter the number : 13

Opeartions available :
1. Add node for list_1
2. Add node for list_2
3. Merge the two lists
4. Display list
5. Display merged list
6. Exit

Enter your choice : 2
Enter the number : -67

Opeartions available :
1. Add node for list_1
2. Add node for list_2
3. Merge the two lists
4. Display list
5. Display merged list
6. Exit

Enter your choice : 2
Enter the number : 56

Opeartions available :
1. Add node for list_1
2. Add node for list_2
3. Merge the two lists
4. Display list
5. Display merged list
6. Exit

Enter your choice : 4
Which list you want to see ?(1 or 2) : 1
12 13

Opeartions available :
1. Add node for list_1
2. Add node for list_2
3. Merge the two lists
4. Display list
5. Display merged list
6. Exit

Enter your choice : 4
Which list you want to see ?(1 or 2) : 2
-67 56

Opeartions available :
1. Add node for list_1
2. Add node for list_2
3. Merge the two lists
4. Display list
5. Display merged list
6. Exit

Enter your choice : 3

Opeartions available :
1. Add node for list_1
2. Add node for list_2
3. Merge the two lists
4. Display list
5. Display merged list
6. Exit

Enter your choice : 5
-67 12 13 56

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