C++ Generic file writer class

C++ Generic file writer class


Generic file writer class which will be used for file writing while debugging any code in the live scenarios. 


While debugging in the live network, where we cannot apply gdb and also variables are not capturing in the log file, then we are creating some temporary file and capturing debugging info into it.

  1. Easy to integrate this FileWriter class into your code for debugging.
  2. A generic write() function has been exposed which will use to write any type of the variable of the basic datatype into the file.
  3. This write function will work with the class object as well, However, in this case, you need to specialize the template based write() function.
  4. This may be used with those cases as well, where gdb is not available for debugging.


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class FileWriter {

      ofstream mFile;

      FileWriter(std::string fileName) {

      template <typename T>
      void write(T data) {
         mFile << data << endl;
      ~FileWriter() {

int main() {
   FileWriter fw("test.txt");
   fw.write<int> (123);
   std::string str = "cppsecrets.com";
   fw.write<std::string> (str);
   return 0;

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