Python binary search tree count number of nodes

Python binary search tree count number of nodes

The binary search tree is implemented using a node class and methods to print and traverse through it are also defined.
a class method no_of_nodes() is implemented to return and print the no. of nodes in the BST . this function actually counts the length of the list of nodes formed using the treepaths function .

class node: """a node class with a constructor setting the node and left and right child to None by default""" def __init__(self, data): = data self.right = self.left = None def insert(self, x): """insert hte new data in a node based on the value comparision with root if the root value is greater than new node then it is stored in left subtree and if the root is less than new value , the data is stored in right subtree""" if if > x: if self.left is None: self.left = node(x) else: self.left.insert(x) elif < x: if self.right is None: self.right = node(x) else: self.right.insert(x) else: = x def print_tree(self): """printing of tree in inorder fashion""" if self.left: self.left.print_tree() print( if self.right: self.right.print_tree() def tree_values(self): """getting a list of all the nodes in the BST by calling the treevalues function .""" my_list = [] return self.treevalues(my_list) def treevalues(self, my_list): if self.left: self.left.treevalues(my_list) my_list.append( if self.right: self.right.treevalues(my_list) return my_list def no_of_nodes(self): """calls the tree_values() function and gets its length""" print(len(self.tree_values())) def main(): root = node(5) root.insert(2) root.insert(6) root.insert(3) print("the tree is-->") root.print_tree() print("\n the no. of nodes-->") root.no_of_nodes() if __name__=='__main__': main()

the tree is-->

 the no. of nodes-->

Process finished with exit code 0

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