Python Pendulum Comparison

Python Pendulum Comparison


Simple comparison is offered up via the basic operators. Remember that the comparison is made in the UTC timezone so things aren't always as they seem.


import pendulum
>>> first = pendulum.datetime(2012, 9, 5, 23, 26, 11, 0, tz='America/Toronto')
>>> second = pendulum.datetime(2012, 9, 5, 20, 26, 11, 0, tz='America/Vancouver')
>>> first.to_datetime_string()
'2012-09-05 23:26:11'
>>> first.timezone_name
>>> second.to_datetime_string()
'2012-09-05 20:26:11'
>>> second.timezone_name
>>> first == second #by comparing
>>> first != second
>>> first > second
>>> first >= second
>>> first < second
>>> first <= second
>>> first = first.on(2012, 1, 1).at(0, 0, 0)
>>> second = second.on(2012, 1, 1).at(0, 0, 0)
# tz is still America/Vancouver for second
>>> first == second
>>> first != second
>>> first > second
>>> first >= second
>>> first < second
>>> first <= second

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